
Friday, March 22, 2013

~Inspire Me Friday at Precious Remembrance~

Hello, my dear friends! I'm a tired girl as I type this! Busy last weekend and following week...and MORE sick critters!  I would think my kids would have built up quite an immunity by now, and all I can say is...the bugs out this year must be tough ones!  Jonah has bronchitis, and we're supposed to head out of town tomorrow evening for an over-nighter to start our Spring Break.  If he's not better in the AM, I think we might be paying the good doctor another visit.  And Caleb, the oldest, got his third...or was it his fourth round of the stomach bug last weekend.  Thank goodness, it was all out of his system for him to head out with classmates to Washington DC this evening.  (Baby Boy's never been away from mama!!!:(  He's gonna have a great time, though!

I was able to find a little time to create something for the Precious Remembrance shop, with the new set, Mom and Dad...

You'll find the complete project at the PR Blog, if you care to venture over!
This was last week's card there, if you missed it...

I hope to catch up on your creations the next few days...there just hasn't been much time for visiting here lately!  I don't get a lot of crafting time in when my kids are home, but I should be able to snuggle up with a computer every now and then during the next week to see exactly what you all have been up to.  And, no, 'snuggling' is not our typical Spring Break style of entertainment, but the weather here is still very winter-like...I think they're calling for inches of snow for us this weekend!!!  And...I think I see some fires, popcorn and movies in our future!;)  (Sounds kinda good to me!)
Thanks for visiting today!


  1. Love the little chalkboard sneak!!! And.... the beautiful, soft flowers on the Mother's Day card are simply gorgeous!!!!!!

  2. Well it sounds like you've had your hands full Geri! I hope everyone is well soon so you can all enjoy spring break. Cute little peek, off to see the rest ;)

  3. What a crazy spring it's been so far, hasn't it? But your fire, movie, and popcorn plan does sound really nice, I have to say. Off to look at your full project. Loving what I'm seeing already!

  4. Wonderful cards Geri! Two very different styles...and both are gorgeous!
    Yes, this winter just doesn't want to end, does it? We still have snow on the ground, but the temp got up to 35 degrees today!!!
    We may be getting a the edge of the snow that's on it's way to you :(

  5. Awww man. Sounds like the ickies are really liking your house. Hope everyone gets back to normal soon and that your little one has a fun trip. Off to check out your project. Hugs!

  6. Beautiful cards, my friend! Did you see the photos of our snow that I posted on my blog? BTW...snuggling is always a good pastime! lol Have a wonderful time!...Nancy :o)

  7. You know a "stay at home" Spring Break isn't all bad!!!! Some good quality family time sounds in order for you guys. Hope everyone is healthy!! So far, I have loved both of your cards. Your creative juices are flowing with this new stamp set. Loved the Festive "Monday" card too!!

  8. Both card are beautiful! I am sorry to hear about your sick kiddos. I hope they are all on the mend soon. :)


  9. Well I sure hope everyone is well today? I'm sorry to hear they are sick :-( I love both cards Geri and I hope you have a great week!!

  10. Lovely card, Geri! We've been staying inside and snuggling, too, while watching movies.... Sigh... not the ideal spring break weather here either.
