
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Happy Trails...

Hello, dear friends and family, from Gatlinburg, TN. We're wrapping up our Spring Break trip, and I wanted to share just a few photos with you of what are now some of my favorite family memories...
We couldn't get enough of the rivers and creeks that run through Gatlinburg and the Smokies...

We hiked over 2 miles (round trip) to explore Grotto Falls...

The kids were troopers and thought it was worth every step...

Another family favorite...horseback riding through the Smokies. Some of us loved it so much, we did it twice. The second time around, Jillian rode without the guide holding her horse. None of my photos did justice to the steep drops we were riding about 2 ft. away from, or you would see why mommy was just a little nervous at times. If you've ever been on any of these rides, you know--these horses know the way--and they don't want to go down that mountainside any more than you do! Jilli's my little cowgirl, though--she had to show ole Ghost who was boss a time or two!!
The views were LOVELY...

...and the very peaceful!
It has been a wonderful trip! I am so thankful we've had the chance to enjoy some early springtime weather as a family in one of my most favorite places in the country!!
Can't wait to get my own bed...and my crafting mess!!
See you soon!!
Happy trails to you!!


  1. It looks like you all are having a wonderful time!!! We have our spring break the week after next - KT is so excited - even tho we are not going anywhere!

  2. Oh, how lovely Geri! Such gorgeous pictures...but where's the snow? Everything is still white outside my windows! lol So happy to hear you've had a wonderful time! Looking forward to seeing new crafty goodness soon!...Nancy :o)

  3. Wonderful that you could get away. Looks so fun and warm. You'll cherish all those trips with the kids as years go by. They just grow up way to fast.
