
Saturday, February 12, 2011

And The Winners Are..............

Hey, everyone!! Time for the drawing for these little ladies...I have to go back to church a little later and thought I had better get this done...

I first want to thank each and every one of you who got involved and made this so much fun!! Again--I appreciate you all so much!! This little blog would be nothin' without YOU! I hope you ALL keep on coming back, and that we can get to know eachother even better in the year to come!! And since this give-away thing was so much fun...I HAVE thought about doing it more often. (Maybe not with 4 items at a time, but...a pin cushion here...a pin cushion there...who knows what I might come up with!!)

A little housekeeping next...there were 50 slips of paper in this black hat.....
I had 25 comments on the Blog-a-versary post. Those were numbered in order with the matching name. (There were no duplicate first names.) I then went to the sneak peek posts and added in a name for each comment on each sneak peek post. That gave me 50 to choose from.

Then I rounded up the most honest (and CUTE) group of people I could find to help me draw...MY KIDS!! (They were so excited!!)
I picked out the first name....
It's Judith!! Judith has been following me for a month or maybe two--(Correct me if I'm wrong, Judith!) Thanks so much, and Congratulations!!

Jonah pulled out the next name...

He was so excited...(so were the rest of them!!). Susan is my best friend right here in Brazil who never misses a chance to encourage me here on my blog. She is quite the crafty girl, herself, and packages up the sweetest little treats for my children, for each and every special day in their little lives. Congratulations, Susan!! (Jonah felt like the little hero who had pulled out the name they all had been chanting!) And don't worry, pressure this morning at church AT ALL...we all knew those threats were just in jest!! :)

Caleb pulled out the next name...

Sylvia has been following me almost from the get-go...she is one of the earliest followers I can remember. We met in The Shabby Tea Room, if my memory serves me right. And her blog-a-versary comment said she collects pin cushions...PERFECT! Congratulations, Sylvia--I hope you enjoy this one!!

Jillian (known around here as Jilli-bean) pulled out the last name...

Beth is a brand new follower and I am so glad to have her. I believe she came to me from the Papertrey website. Congratulations, Beth!! Thank you for all your sweet comments--you did a lot of catching up!! I look forward to getting to know you!!

Well, there you have it!! So happy for the winners--So WISH I had something for EVERYone who brightens my day on a regular basis, and helped me celebrate!!

If the winners would e-mail me with your 1st through 4th preferences. I'll start with the first e-mail I get, and give you your highest preference from what has not been taken. Use the names I assigned on blog-a-versary day: Blue Belle (upper left), Miss Pinky (upper right), Sage (lower left), Rosie (lower right). Be sure to include your complete mailing address. One thing I hadn't thought of was what I will pack these in, so please be patient as I round up some small but sturdy boxes this week. I will e-mail you when your box is sent out. Looking forward to hearing from you!!
Thanks again, everyone, for joining my celebration!! Happy Sunday, and have a great week!!


  1. Thank you Geri, I am so chuffed! Thank you for picking me! Hugs, Judith xx

  2. Congratulations to all the winners! You've won a true treasure. :-) Hugs to you Geri!

  3. Thank you Geri!!!! (and kids) This has been soooo much fun for all of us. Happy to be a winner but your friendship is my "best" gift. Thanks again!!!

  4. OMG..I am so excited...I can't believe it. These are the most darling little creations. And now one is mine..I will make a post of my collection upon receiving this one. Hug your kids for me..they sure are fun little helpers. It was a fun set of posts leading up to the reveal of these little darling creations. Geri, you have a great blog, your fun posts and inspirations make for a great start in my mornings. Thanks so very much

  5. WooHoo!! BIG Congratulations to all the winners! Also a big round of cheers to your kids for picking out the right names! *claps*
    Thanks so much for all the fun Geri! I loved the sneak peeks! lol I think I already said it...but we're all winners for knowing you! :o)

  6. Well, dang, I wanted one of those - LOL! Congratulations to all of the lucky winners and to you Gerri on your blogoversary!

  7. Lucky ladies. I am totally jealous. Enjoy your beauties. :)

  8. your children are sooo adorable :) congrats to all the happy ladies!!

  9. Geri, drop by my blog, I have a special award for you, because you make my days so special

  10. Congrats to the winners; I hope you don't mind but I am a bit jealous :) Enjoy your beautiful gift!

  11. Echoing what Stella said! Now I need to rummage through my fabric stash and see if I couldn't try to make a little pillow to snuggle with since these are all going to other homes! :) (congrats ladies!)
